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Mundial Sub-18 Masculino: as fichas dos jogos do Brasil

Confira abaixo a ficha dos jogos do Brasil, com exceção dos dois primeiros jogos (Itália e África do Sul), pois o site da FINA só passou a disponibilizar as matérias sobre o Mundial Sub-18 a partir do quarto dia de disputa, e o site oficial foi um verdadeiro fiasco.

Game 32, 20.00, Group C: Brazil vs. Turkey 16-19

Quarters: 3-5, 5-5, 3-4, 5-5
Referees: Ni (CHN), Radicevic (MNE)

BRAZIL: Bernardo Oliveira, Pedro Stellet, Psanquevich William, Rafael Real 3, Roberto Freitas 1, Eduardo Wainberg 1, Lucas Pinto, Henrique Vasconcelos, Guilherme Gomes 7, Caio Pereira 1, Pedro Real 3, Wisricardo da Silva, Leonardo da Silva. Head coach: Angelo Coelho

TURKEY: Emirham Ozdemir, Engin Ege Colak 3, Yordan Yordanoglu, Atamer Albayrak 3, Safak Simsek 2, Anil Yaman, Davud Sutcuoglu, Atakan Destici 3, Kaan Baskaya 4, Sertan Gectan 1, Cemil Bahadir Ozbakis 3, Kaan Ozden Yildiz, Burak Banda. Head coach: Mehmet Alp Olcaytu

Brazil: 4 for 9
Turkey: 7 for 16

Brazil: 1 for 1
Turkey: 2 for 2

BRA vs TUR - credit: Turkish Water Polo
BRA vs TUR - credit: Turkish Water Polo

Yes, you can believe your eyes: 35 goals were scored in the game which saw almost no defending at either end but vibrant attacking play, plenty of excitement. Finally the hosts prevailed despite an incident in the dying minutes. It was close for a while but in the second part of the second period the Turks managed to score three consecutive goals after 7-7 and that was the key for their win. Afterwards the Brazilians tried desperately to catch up with them but the hosts always found a way to widen the gap. It was 11-12 for a while but then came two Turkish goal, then after 14-15 the hosts jumped to a 14-18 lead. Another turning point might have come here when Yildiz was expelled from the game for a brutal punch with 2:12 to go but even playing 5 on 6 in the remaining time the Turks managed to score once more while Brazil could net only two – Gomes tried everything he closed with 7 goals – and that wasn’t enough this time.

Game 37, 16.00, Group C: Brazil vs. Russia 7-12
Quarters: 1-2, 0-4, 2-3, 4-2
Referees: Inesta (ESP), Schlunz (GER)

BRAZIL: Bernardo Oliveira, Pedro Stellet 1, Psanquevich William, Rafael Real 1, Roberto Freitas, Eduardo Wainberg, Lucas Pinto, Henrique Vasconcelos 1, Guilherme Gomes 4, Caio Pereira, Pedro Real, Wisricardo da Silva, Leonardo da Silva. Head coach: Angelo Coelho.
RUSSIA: Vitaly Statsenko, Vladislav Zaytsev, Vasily Egorov 2, Daniil Merkulov 5, Vladimir Zaikin, Ivan Gusarov, Vladislav Egorov, Denis Kolbenov, Arsian Zahirov, Konstantin Kharkov, Adel Giniatov 2, Andrei Balakirev 3, Iurii Poliukov. Head coach: Vladimir Fedorin.

Brazil: 1 for 9
Russia: 2 for 10

Brazil: 1 for 1
Russia: 1 for 1

Though it seems the Russians buried their 6 on 5s rather ineffectively – in fact they did a fine job and usually scored in the 23-25th second when the expelled player usually returns and the defenders try to mark the others in a rush. The Russians played with patience in these situations and though the stats are not on their side – the score-line is more important. By scoring five goals in this way they kept the match under firm control, won the second period 0-4 and led 1-7 early in the third. The Brazilians fought bravely but couldn’t come much closer as the Russians kept on scoring, especially Merkutov who stopped at five.

Game 44, 13.00, Qualification Round: Iran vs. Brazil 4-12
Quarters: 0-2, 2-2, 1-2, 1-6
Referees: Randall (RSA), Varela (PER)

IRAN: Hamed Karimi, Masoud Ahmadi 1, Amirhossein Raharjedi, Arshia Almasi, Amirhossen Kehany, Erfan Lashgari, Mohammadmahoi Heydari, Seyedsajjad Saviz 1, Sohel Rostamian 2, Mohammad Rasoul Feizabhaee, Hamidreza Moghaddam, Amin Ghavidelhajagha. Head coach: Lutzbernd Muller.
BRAZIL: Bernardo Oliveira, Pedro Stellet 3, Psanquevich William, Rafael Real, Roberto Freitas, Eduardo Wainberg 3, Lucas Pinto, Henrique Vasconcelos 3, Guilherme Gomes 3, Caio Pereira 3, Pedro Real, Wisricardo da Silva, Leonardo da Silva. Head coach: Angelo Coelho.

Iran: 0 for 4
Brazil: 2 for 7

Iran: 2 for 2
Brazil: 1 for 1

It was the morning session’s only one-sided battle – but it wasn’t that easy for Brazil until the final period. The Iranians battled hard, came back after being 0-4 down to 3-4 early in the third quarter but two goals in the last minutes put the writing on the wall. And two more fast goals from the first two Brazilian attacks ceased the contest in the fourth (3-8). In fact, Brazil scored eight unanswered goals while marching from 3-4 to 3-12, a penalty-goal in the dying seconds wasn’t even good for consolation.

Game 52, 14.30, Crossovers for places 13-16: Egypt vs. Brazil 11-13
Quarters: 3-2, 2-6, 2-2, 4-3
Referees: O’Brien (IRL), Radicevic (CRO)

EGYPT: Ayman Mohemed, Omar Elhadidi, Aly Abdelaziz 2, Ahmed Abdelaal 2, Walid Essameldin, Hassan Haroun 2, Ahmed Abdelghaftar 1, Andrew Bekheet 1, Abdelrahman Ahmed, Omar Zaki, Ahmed Roshdi 3, Ahmed Sayed, Karim Rizk. Head coach: Aly Warda.
BRAZIL: Bernardo Oliveira, Pedro Stellet 1, Psanquevich William, Rafael Real 1, Roberto Freitas, Eduardo Wainberg 1, Lucas Pinto, Henrique Vasconcelos 3, Guilherme Gomes 2, Caio Pereira 2, Pedro Real 1, Wisricardo da Silva 2, Leonardo da Silva. Head coach: Angelo Coelho.

Egypt: 2 for 7
Brazil: 0 for 3

Egypt: 1 for 1
Brazil: –

Brazil scored all 13 goals from action – a rarity in today’s water polo which deserves credit. They started to dominate the encounter in the middle of the second period when they managed to jump from 4-5 to a 4-8 lead. From that point they could maintain this margin for most of the time, the Egyptians came a bit closer in the fourth at 9-11 and 10-12 but the Brazilians had the answers both occasions and secured their well-deserved win.

Game 62, 9.00, for places 13-14: Kazakhstan vs. Brazil 7-21
Quarters: 1-5, 1-5, 4-4, 1-7
Referees: Schlunz (GER), Dae Taghi (IRI)

KAZAKHSTAN: Alexandr Lopatkin, Stanislav Shvedov 1, Temirlan Myrzakhmet, Stanislav Savin, Miras Aubakirov 1, Sergey Bogomolov 1, Iliyas Shamshat, Egor Berbelyuk, Altay Altayev 2, Azat Bolatov, Alexey Rogalev, Nikita Prokhin 2, Vladislav Kolesnik. Head coach: Dmitry Khodzinskiy.
BRAZIL: Bernardo Oliveira, Pedro Stellet, Psanquevich William 1, Rafael Real 1, Roberto Freitas 1, Eduardo Wainberg, Lucas Pinto 1, Henrique Vasconcelos 1, Guilherme Gomes 7, Caio Pereira 4, Pedro Real 1, Wisricardo da Silva 4, Leonardo da Silva. Head coach: Angelo Coelho.

Kazakhstan: 0 for 3
Brazil: 6 for 7

Kazakhstan: 1 for 3
Brazil: 4 for 4

Brazil did a fine job in a game which saw unusually high number of penalties (7 altogether), credit to the South Americans that they converted all four they earned. The Kazakhs’ downhill slide started with a missed attempt early in the first at 0-2 – when they blew the second one it happened at 2-9, towards the end of the second period. By then the game was virtually over as the Brazilians outplayed them in all fields. The third brought a bit more balanced play but Brazil thrashed their rivals in the fourth, while Gomes enjoyed an exceptional day as he scored seven goals.


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